Past Program Highlights
AlterNarratives: Inclusive Dance with Maggie Bridger & Sydney Erlikh Heading link

September 26, 2019
Flyer Description: Large yellow text over a purple background reads “Alternative Narratives: Inclusive Dance with Maggie Bridger & Sydney Erlikh.” In the background is an inlaid photo of Alice Sheppard performing “So, I Will Wait.”
In smaller white letters below, text reads “Maggie and Sydney will give a brief talk on dance and disability and then lead a dance workshop. Come in comfortable clothing. For access needs contact Please RSVP to by September 25th as spots are limited!”
In the bottom right corner, bold, yellow text reads: “ September 26th, 4-6 pm, Student Recreation Facility, 737 S. Halsted St. Room 224.”
Unpacking Immigration & Disability Justice Heading link

To access a video of this event, click the following link: Unpacking Immigration and Disability Justice
October 10, 2019
Flyer description: In large purple and orange letters at the top of the flyer, text reads: “Zona Abierta – Unpacking Immigration & Disability Justice.” The word “Unpacking” is in black lettering inside a speech bubble. In the background of the title is a photograph of the US-Mexico border wall.
A paragraph underneath the photograph reads: “In the years of the Trump presidency, the administration’s immigration policies have precipitated a humanitarian crisis at the border. More recently, the administration has doubled-down, releasing a new ‘public charge’ policy that makes legal immigration impossible for disabled people, harkening back to the eugenic practices of early 20th century America. Immigration policy in the Trump era has reminded us that immigration is a disability justice issue and that ableism intersects with racism and xenophobia to disenfranchise disabled immigrants of color.
Join us for a presentation and dialogue with legal scholar Katherine Pérez. who will help us unpack these intersecting issues.”
In the bottom right corner, in small white letters, text reads “Katherine Pérez is the Director of the Coelho Center for Disability Law, Policy, and Innovation at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Pérez is an attorney and scholar who writes about disability and immigration law and policy. She is a doctoral candidate in Disability Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where she is writing a dissertation on the experiences of undocumented Latinx college students with disabilities.” Next to the bio is a small photograph of Katherine Pérez.
The logos for UIC LARES, the Disability Resource Center, Disability Cultural Center, and Raphael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center appear in the bottom left corner.
Mad Maps: Skill Session Heading link

November 12, 2019
Flyer description: At the top of the flyer on a navy blue and yellow background are the DCC and Community Care Kit Project logos in red letters. Next to the Community Care Kit Project logo is a graphic of a small blue box with a yellow DCC logo on it.
Beneath the logos, in large white letters over a light blue background, text reads: “Mad Maps: Skill Session” Beneath the title, in smaller white letters, text reads: “Join us as we work through the Icarus Project’s resource ‘Mad Maps’ together. Mad Maps are a concrete tool that we can use to develop a plan to support our own mental health.
November 12th 2-3 pm Disability Cultural Center BSB Rm. 235 1007 W. Harrison St.”
At the bottom of the flyer, in small navy blue lettering on a yellow striped background, access information is listed.
Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender and Disability: Implications for Disabled Black Women with Dr. Angel Love Miles Heading link

November 20, 2019
Flyer description: The Disability Cultural Center, African-American Cultural Center, and Women’s Leadership Resource Center logos are in red at the top of the flyer. The background of the flyer is yellow with a large white circle in the center overlaid by a red rounded column and concentric orange shapes that radiate out like an elongated rainbow. The title of the event, “Exploring the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender and Disability: Implications for Disabled Black Women With Dr. Angel Love Miles” appears in large black letters.
Beneath the title, text in smaller black letters reads: “African American women with disabilities face multiple barriers to resources and equitable treatment in American society. Dr. Miles will present from her mixed-methods study of the barriers and facilitators to homeownership for African American women with physical disabilities, from which self-concept emerged as a primary theme. This presentation will explore the intersections of race, class, gender, and disability by discussing how participants in the study perceived themselves and negotiated how they were perceived by others as multiply marginalized women.
Dr. Miles holds a PhD in Women’s Studies from the University of Maryland, and completed a postdoc in the Department of Disability and Human Development at UIC. She is the Healthcare/Home and Community Based Services Policy Analyst at Access Living Chicago.
November 20, 2019, 6:30-8pm
UIC Institute for the Humanities
Stevenson Hall- Lower Level, 701 S. Morgan Street”
Near the bio information, there is a small portrait of Angel Miles, a smiling Black woman with short hair, wearing a headband and a tan cowl-necked sweater.
Access information is listed at the bottom of the flyer.
Solo Shows: Arlene Malinowski Heading link

Learn more about Arlene’s work by clicking the following link: Arlene Malinowski’s Website
February 6, 2020
Flyer description: A purple flyer with bold yellow text reads: “Solo Shows: Arlene Malinowski.” Beneath the title, smaller text reads: “Thursday February 6, 2020 4-6 pm Daley Library 1-470 801 S. Morgan St.
Acclaimed actor, playwright, and teaching artist Arlene Malinowski will perform from her solo shows that tell hilarious, heartbreaking, totally true tales about being raised in the disability culture of a Deaf family and about her personal journey with disability through depression and mental illness. After her performances, Arlene will engage with the audience and lead us through some storytelling exercises. All are invited to participate as much as feels comfortable.”
In the middle right of the flyer is a photograph of Arlene Malinowski, a white woman with blond hair wearing glasses and smiling. In the top right corner of the flyer are the Disability Cultural Center and AlterNarratives logos.
At the bottom of the flyer, access information is listed in small yellow lettering.
DHD Art Show Heading link

To view the winning DHD Art Show pieces, click this link: DHD Art Show webpage
February 12, 2020
Flyer Description: Two white text boxes float on top of an abstract painting of red and navy. Black text inside the first white box at the top of the flyer reads: “Co-sponsored by the Department of Disability and Human Development and the Disability Cultural Center.”
In the centered white box, large red text reads “DHD Art Show.” Beneath the title, smaller black and red text reads: “Wednesday, February 12th
Stop by anytime between 11:00 – 1:00 Behavioral Sciences Building (1007 W. Harrison St.), room 235.”
At the bottom of the flyer in small black text, access information is listed and the Department of Disability and Human Development College of Applied Health Sciences and Disability Cultural Center logos appear in red.
Know Your Rights to Fair Housing Heading link

To learn more about the UIC John Marshall Law School Legal Support Center & Clinic, click the following link: UIC John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Support Center & Clinic
March 4, 2020
Flyer description: White text on a background image of a deep blue, clear sky and a terra cotta colored building with a peaked roofline. The DCC logo appears in red in the upper left hand corner. White text reads: “UIC Disability Cultural Center and UIC John Marshall Law School Fair Housing Legal Clinic present:
Know Your Rights to Fair Housing
Wednesday March 4
Daley Library 1-470
801 S. Morgan St
This presentation will cover Federal, state and local fair housing laws, the rights of tenants with disabilities, and reasonable accommodation requests.”
Access information appears at the bottom of the flyer.
Disability & Gender-Based Violence Heading link

March 11, 2020
Flyer description: At the top center of the flyer in large white lettering are the words “Shake it up! Disability and Gender-Based Violence” over a photograph of several people, in silhouette from behind.
White lettering below reads: “Date/Time: Wednesday March 11 from 3-4:30pm Location: WLRC programming room (1101 W Taylor Street, Room 310) Title: Disability and Gender-Based Violence
Join us for this interactive workshop as we discuss the following questions:
I. What problems do we create when we decouple disability and sex/sexuality?
II. What particular vulnerabilities do people with disabilities face?
III. How do we break the cycle of silence?
IV. What does allyship and cross-disability solidarity look like?”
Logos for the Disability Cultural Center, Undergraduate Student Government, and Women’s Leadership Resource Center appear at the bottom of the flyer in white.
What Makes Care Collective? With Dr. Akemi Nishida Heading link

April 1, 2020
Flyer description: The title, event details and description are written in black and red lettering on a white background. In the middle of the flyer there is an image of three hands with red hearts floating above them. The Community Care Kit Project logo is in the bottom right corner. Large black text at the top of the flyer reads: “What Makes Care Collective? With Dr. Akemi Nishida (Assistant Professor, Disability and Human Development and Gender and Women’s Studies)”
Beneath, in smaller black and red letters, text reads: “Wednesday, April 1, 2020
3:30pm – 5:00pm
REMOTE meeting on Zoom
Meeting ID: 388 620 392
Join us as we come together to interrogate the relationship between self, community, care – and imagine radical futures!
We’ll be drawing and doing some movement; you may want to gather some paper and writing/drawing tools before we start, but we will invite you to join us however works best for you. This Zoom meeting will have real-time captioning. For any other access requests, contact or 312-355-7050.”