Feb 12 2021

Broken Heart Clinic @ UIC DCC

February 12, 2021

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


Chicago, IL 60612

Broken Heart Clinic @ UIC DCC Flyer

Broken Heart Clinic @ UIC DCC

Friday, February 12


RSVP at go.uic.edu/BrokenHeartClinic

Request a kit ahead of time-- by February 5 at http://bit.ly/BrokenHeartKit

Live captioning and ASL will be provided. For any other requests, contact dcc@uic.edu or 312-355-7050.


Got a broken heart?

We are teaming up with the School of the Art Institute’s Disability Culture & Activism Lab and Access Living to bring back the Broken Heart Clinic! The Broken Heart Clinic is a project that crip artist Sandie Yi created and facilitated for Access Living from 2013-2015.

Aching for someone? Broken hearted from broken systems? Disappointed with neglect and nonresponse?

Join us for some community and art making, two time-tested ways to care for all kinds of broken hearts.

We’ll talk a little bit about the Broken Heart Clinic and then have some time for making broken-heart art. Request a kit ahead of time and work on it, engage in one of the guided practices we’ll offer, or do your own (sewing, drawing, writing, moving) thing!


To have the kit in time for this event, please fill out a request form by February 5th.

Request Link: http://bit.ly/BrokenHeartKit

What's in a kit?

We will mail you a small fabric pouch to represent your broken heart. Embellish it however you like-- add some embroidery stitches, decorate it with your favorite pin, write or draw on it with marker, add glitter, whatever you want to do. You can also decide to enclose a meaningful object in the pouch. We have asked about some accessibility options below, including being paired with a collaborator who can carry out the art-making you describe.


Also check out the Broken Heart Clinic @ DCAL's Open Studio & Chill! (with a Show & Tell)

Feb 13th, Saturday

1:00-3:00 pm, Open Studio Time

3:00-4:00 pm, Broken Heart Clinic Show and Tell

RSVP at http://bit.ly/DCAL213


This series of events are brought to you by UIC’s Disability Cultural Center and the Disability Culture Activism Lab (DCAL), a joint project of Access Living and the department of art therapy and counseling at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council Agency.




UIC Disability Cultural Center

Date posted

Jan 26, 2021

Date updated

Jan 26, 2021