Oct 19 2022

Unlearning Ableism: Skill Up for Accessibility

October 19, 2022

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Hybrid: Zoom or in-person at the African American Cultural Center


Chicago, IL 60607

Flyer for Unlearning Ableism: Skill Up for Accessibility hosted by the Disability Cultural Center

Unlearning Ableism: Skill Up for Accessibility!

Wednesdays, 6-8pm

Hybrid: On Zoom & in the African American Cultural Center Gallery, 2nd floor Addams Hall

Limited spots for in-person–RSVP required!
Sign up to attend in person: https://go.uic.edu/UnlearningAbleism-SignUp


Join via Zoom at https://go.uic.edu/UnlearningAbleismZoom

Access info: All workshops will be hybrid, held on Zoom and in person. The AACC Gallery is on the 2nd floor of Addams Hall, accessible via elevator through Burnham Hall. We'll have CART (live captions) and e-copies of all materials. Contact dcc@uic.edu for any other requests!

Join the UIC Disability Cultural Center for a series of workshops! We are proud to be part of a university with a strong social justice focus, one that recognizes disability as a valuable part of diversity. We believe disabled people have a lot to contribute to university life, and that it takes all of us to make student life at UIC inclusive and accessible.

There are many great accessibility checklists out there, but sometimes it can be hard to know where to start! In other cases, we might be unsure of exactly how to do some of the things on the list.

Skill Up for Accessibility is a series of workshops that tackle smaller sets of skills that support accessibility and inclusion. We'll take time to look at examples, talk about nuances, and do some practice in each session.

Please join us, bring your experience & your questions, and skill up to make cultural change at UIC!

10/19- Access as Solidarity

-Learn how accessibility is solidarity in practice, and two foundational practices for accessibility.

10/26- Image Descriptions

-Learn how to write image descriptions to make your visual content more accessible.

[no workshop on 11/2]

11/9- Social Media

-Learn tips for keeping your organization's media accounts accessible and easy to interact with.

11/16- Facilitating Access

-Learn how to intentionally and consistently practice accessibility during meetings and large events!

ID: The UIC logo sign sits at the top of the flier, with “The Disability Cultural Center” in text to its right. Bold white text with event details are on a pink circle with a yellow background, and star-like asterisks scattered throughout. Text reads: “Unlearning Ableism: Skill Up for Accessibility! Wednesdays, 6-8pm On Zoom & in the African American Cultural Center Gallery, 2nd floor Addams Hall”



RSVP In-Person


UIC Disability Cultural Center

Date posted

Oct 6, 2022

Date updated

Oct 6, 2022