Unlearning Ableism “What’s In A Word: Ableism in Everyday Language”
February 24, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Chicago, IL 60612
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What’s in a Word: Ableism in Everyday Language
Wednesday, February 24, 3-4pm
On Zoom, RSVP at go.uic.edu/UnlearningAbleism
Language is powerful and words matter. Join us for a discussion of where ableism can crop up in our everyday language, and bring your questions to this non-judgmental space!
Unlearning Ableism is a discussion series about disability issues and ableism as a system of privilege and oppression. For these discussions, we come together, share our own experiences around a topic, and engage with perspectives from disability culture. We welcome all people to join us, whether you identify as disabled, nondisabled, or somewhere in between.
Read about our other programs at https://dcc.uic.edu/unlearning-ableism/
Access Info: CART and ASL will be provided. Contact dcc@uic.edu or 312-355-7050 with any other requests.
Date posted
Jan 20, 2021
Date updated
Jan 20, 2021